Have novels become obsolete? Is it an outdated form without a future? Why are young authors not attracted to it? Sandro Veronesi, a celebrated Italian novelist, essayist and journalist, has been looking for answers.

The Czech-French debate, featuring Alena Mornštajnová and Laurent Binet, took place in front of a filled auditorium. It was not only their novels that were at the centre of the discussion, but also inspiration and history.

David Mitchell counted among this year's Book World star guests. When he sat down on the imaginary couch in the park next to the Industrial Palace, the auditorium was filled to the last place.

Immortal Stars


A look at contemporary Argentinian literature was offered to book fair visitors in the form of a meeting with the writer Mariana Enríquez, who introduced her latest book published in Czech, entitled This Is the Sea.

Robert Menasse is an advocate of united Europe and has shared his ideas on why Europe should have a joint economic roof with Book World visitors.

Two world-renowned authors, Alain Finkielkraut and Marek Bienczyk, talked to the Book World audience about their relationship to the famous Czech-born author.

A debate on who are intellectuals and what is their role in contemporary society was held in Café Europe. It brought together the French philosopher, teacher and writer Alain Finkielkraut, the writer Patrik Ouředník and Jiří Pelán, expert in French and Italian literature and translator. The discussion was moderated by Book World's artistic director...

The German literary historian Reiner Stach has become so interested in the life and work of Franz Kafka that he published a three-part biography about the writer. This truly exceptional work amounts to two thousand pages.

Thriller is currently the most popular literary genre. Two of the style's stars have met for a joint debate - the French writer Bernard Minier and British author Tim Weaver.